Saving more with BRASS
Find out how you can save more towards your pension with the Scheme's main additional voluntary contribution (AVC) arrangement, BRASS.
When you join BRASS, you start a Personal Retirement Account (PRA). This is a pot of money held separately to your main DB pension with the Scheme.
Your PRA is invested in a range of funds with the aim of helping it to grow over time.
You can choose to manage your own funds or have them managed for you. You can also check and change your fund choices at any time.
When it’s time to take your benefits, the value of your BRASS pot is used to buy you extra pension in your Section of the Scheme. You normally have to take a tax-free cash lump sum equal to the value of your BRASS pot, up to the maximum allowed by HM Revenue & Customs. Or you may be able to transfer your BRASS pot to another scheme in order to access other options.
Check the following pages for more information:
Watch this short video for an introduction to BRASS and how saving more could boost your pension.
You can pay as little as £2 a week or £10 a month into your BRASS pot. For most Sections, the most you can pay into BRASS each tax year is the higher of either:
If you want to contribute the maximum amount, you can top up your regular payments with a single amount before the end of each tax year. Your employer/payroll office will be able to work out the maximum you are able to pay into BRASS in a tax year. Find out more in the Read as You Need guide for BRASS members.
If you have a backdated pay award, this may relate to previous years but your gross pay is only increased in the current year, combining any arrears and additional payments from the award date forward. Although your employer won't know the full gross pay amount until around March, once any arrears have been paid your employer will know your 'gross pay to date'. This may give you sufficient scope to contribute more to your BRASS pot, although waiting until closer to year end may increase this further.
Your employer will need to arrange any additional contributions so please speak to them for more information.
If you’re a Network Rail member the rules are different. The most you can pay into BRASS is potentially up to 100% of your annual taxable earnings, minus your normal Scheme contributions. However there are limits on how much would qualify for tax relief automatically. Check the Read as You Need guide for Network Rail members of BRASS.
You should also be mindful of your tax limits when considering how much to pay into BRASS. You can read more about the Annual Allowance in the Read as You Need guides to BRASS linked above.
Remember, you can change or stop your regular BRASS contributions if you wish. Check the managing my BRASS page to find out how.
You can also make one off payments into BRASS, which you can learn more about below.
As an active member, you can make a one-off contribution to your pension if you'd like to boost your retirement savings.
If you’re an active member, i.e. still paying in to your DB pension, you can get an estimate of the maximum you can pay into BRASS by using the BRASS maximum contribution calculator in your myRPS account. Your employer should be able to give you a more exact figure if needed.
To make a one-off contribution directly, and not through your employer, email us at using the wording from the below template. Please also include 'One-off contribution request' in the subject line of your email.
We cannot accept payments from other people.
As part of the process, we will need to contact your employer to check that the payment does not breach the Scheme limits. This is because you can only contribute a certain amount to BRASS each year. There are also limits on how much you can contribute overall before there are tax implications - this is known as the Annual Allowance. You can learn more about this in this Read as You Need guide, or on the pension tax limits page.
In certain circumstances, we may need to contact you to confirm details regarding the source of the funds. Once we have completed all relevant checks, we will email you with instructions to make the payment.
Your contribution will be invested in the default fund. Once completed, you can update your fund choice.
If you do make a payment this way, you will need to contact HMRC separately for any tax relief.
If you reach the maximum amount that you can pay into BRASS and still want to pay more, you may be able to apply to join AVC Extra. However, this option is currently not available to Network Rail members. Find out more on the saving more with AVC Extra page.
You can join BRASS as long as:
If you're a Network Rail member, the rules are slightly different. Check the Read as You Need guide for Network Rail members of BRASS.
If you want to join BRASS please speak to your employer to set up regular payments or make a one off contribution.
Alternatively you can complete the relevant form below and then return it to your employer. Please don’t send this form to Railpen. These are standard Scheme forms and your employer may have their own form they would prefer you to use.
You may want to consider getting financial advice before you join BRASS. You can find details on where to go for advice on the guidance and advice page.
For more information, please check the:
Understand what happens to the AVCs you pay into BRASS and the choices you can make.
Learn more about the different investment options available to you within BRASS.
How to check, and make changes to, your BRASS, including your fund choices, contributions and Target Retirement Age (TRA).