Have your say with Platform

If you join Platform, our volunteer communications panel, you can make sure your views are heard.

Help us to shape the way we communicate with you

By registering with Platform, our online feedback group for Scheme members, you can help us to communicate effectively about your rail pension.

A red and white megaphone
Here's how Platform works:
  • Register with your full name, date of birth and pension reference number
  • We send you an email inviting you to look at a new design, video or idea
  • You tell us what you think by answering two or three short questions
  • We listen and take your feedback on board... some of our ideas may work, others won't — but your views will definitely make sure we stay on the right track
  • We share the results with you, so you're kept in the loop

All members are welcome to join Platform! We want to hear as many of your views as we can, so whether you're currently paying into the Scheme, no longer pay in , or you're already taking your pension, join for free today.

Join Platform now »

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